Saturday, 15 August 2009

Cycle Path Resurfacing

I ran along the cycle path today as part of the training for my Half Marathons in September/October. It looks like the surface on the stretch of road between Stonald Road and the new football pitches is being hard surfaced. I know this was part of the planning conditions for the football pitches and creates another community benefit from what is a great project from Whittlesey United.

This now means that there is only one short stretch between Whittlesey and Peterborough that won't be hard surfaced. I feel an email to Sustrans coming along.

I have said it before, but it is worth repeating. It is now quicker to cycle into Peterborough than it is to catch the bus - and the cycle along the back of the brickyards and the river bank is an absolute pleasure. I even managed to enjoy watching a heron today while I was running.

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