Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Looked After Children

One of my favourite meetings is our Children In Care Council in Cambridgeshire. They are representatives of our Looked After Children and they meet on a regular basis with me, Gordon Jeyes (Director of Children's Services) and senior officers.

They are a great bunch, who are not afraid to challenge and not afraid to tell you what you think. It is the sort of engagement with young people we need and they are genuinely aware of what the real needs of young people, such as boundaries and the need to learn and understand respect as well as how to improve the lives of Looked After Children.

We had a great meeting where we discussed a web project for them and some ideas to set down some principles of how it should be for Children in Care. It confirmed some of my own thoughts and taught me a few things.

So I should say just here to those involved (who I obviously can't name). 1. Thanks very much and I hope it's worth it and 2. Sorry for being late!!

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