Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Taxi for Patrick

At the last Full Council meeting I teased the County Council's Liberal Democrat groups by saying that it was nice to hear them mention Fenland without just talking about taxis - because taxi issues seem to be the sole raison d'etre for Wisbech Liberal Democrats.

Just to prove my point Fenland Councillor Dave "Taxi" Patrick decided to use today to protest to a County Council Cabinet over an issue over which they have absolutely no jurisdiction.  Cllr Patrick is a taxi driver, good luck to him, but he has a ward to look after. but the only issues he seems to want to highlight are those revolving around his profession.

Does all this matter?  Yes, it does.  As I pointed out - part of today was about creating positive momentum; recognising investment, announcing new initiatives and spring boarding Wisbech forwards.  Councillor Patrick tried to make today all about his taxis, he tried to change the story and raise something that, in truth, pales into insignificance when you consider the millions of pounds of investment that is being made and the opportunity that creates for a community that needs and deserves exactly that.

We had Councillors from all parties and from across the County today turn up and contribute to the Cabinet meeting, fair play to them.  Dave Patrick, chose to ignore his ward, chose not to use the opportunity to raise issues there and, instead, to repeat his over-tired taxi rank mantra.  He is in danger of becoming a joke, that is a shame for the people of Kirkgate who he claims to represent.

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