Thursday 31 October 2013

Fenland Funding Fair

Fenland District Council and the Cambridge Council for Voluntary Services are holding the annual Fenland Funding Fair and training session on "How to write effective funding bids?" on 26th November at Fenland Hall, March.

The event will give local community groups the opportunity to meet with key funders including; the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation and WREN, in order to discuss particular funding needs. Each group will be given a time slot within which to look at funding options and find out exactly what each funder requires for a successful funding bid.

In addition the Cambridge Council for Voluntary Services will be holding a training session on "How to write effective funding bids?" in the morning (with a free buffet lunch provided for attendees).
The event will be free for CCVS members and £60 for all other organisations. To find out how to book a place on both events or to find out how to become a member of the CCVS then please contact 01223 464969, or 01354 622482.

1 comment:

  1. never mind these blogs what about updating everyone of the progress of the Sainsburys supermarket as there has been no news for a while and myself and others are starting to become impatient
