Sunday 22 August 2010

Community Grants Scheme

Sometimes it's best to just cut and paste:

"It's that fantastic time of year again when Fenland District Council

officially launch their Community Grants Fund and we are inviting

community groups to apply for our funding! We have a total pot of
100,000- (25,000 from Roddons Housing Association and 75,000 from
Fenland District Council which amounts to 25,000 allocation per
Neighbourhood Management Board Area). 

Each Neighbourhood Management Board assesses applications for their
local area to ensure that local people have an active role in decision
making. This new assessment process has been very exciting. 

The Community Grants fund has continued to help small projects across
Fenland provide essential services for local residents and we would like
your help to make this year a bumper year of applications. If you work/
volunteer for a community group,know a community group in your parish or
have a project which you need
funding up to (a suggested amount) of 5,000 then this could be your
opportunity to bid into our pot.

There are opportunities within the funding pot for District Wide
funding applications 
(and there is no upper limit) so if you know of a project which has
outcomes across Fenland then please ask the group to firstly contact our
community development team for more information. 

The projects must support outcomes within the Sustainable Community
Strategy as follows; 
?  Fenlands children and young people- to enable children and young
people to have the best possible start in life, to be healthy, stay
safe, make a positive contribution, enjoy and achieve and achieve
economic well-being.
?  Safer Fenland- help to make Fenland a safer place to live by
reducing anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol misuse etc. 
?  A sustainable Fenland environment - Working together to create a
clean and healthy environment as well as combat climate change.
?  Fenlands community health and social well-being- to deliver
services which help to develop the health and social well-being of local
?  Fenlands Economic and Sustainable Community development- to
promote the growth of local businesses, enable residents to have access
to high quality training and education. Enable a thriving and cohesive
local community.

If you know of a group who are considering submitting an application
and they would like a bit of guidance in filling it in then please do
not hesitate to contact the Community Development Team. Please feel free
to forward this email onto other groups who may be interested in
applying for funding from us.

If successful the funding allocation will not be made until April 2011
i.e. the next financial year. The deadline for applications is Friday
8th October and if you would like an application pack and guidance notes
please contact Steve Drew on 01354 654321,  email sdrewATfenlandDOTgovDOTuk

or write to Fenland District Council. Fenland Hall. County Road. March.
PE15 8NQ"

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