Wednesday 12 January 2011

North Bank Road to Reopen Friday

Last week, because of frustration over the extension to the closure of North Bank Road, I asked for a representative to Peterborough City Council to be invited to attend our neighbourhood forum on Thursday.  I don't know if that invite focussed minds or whether this is just a coincidence but, although the offer was refused, they have sent this statement:

"Northey Gravel Bridge Replacement on Northey Rd / North Bank is now at a stage where the road can be re-opened, as programmed, by the end of the day this Friday 14th Jan.  The traffic will still be controlled across the bridge in a narrow lane as works will still be ongoing for a few weeks completing the finishing touches.  The road will have to be closed again for a few hours on a weekend to enable a crane to lift out the temporary footbridge.
The scheme has been a success, on programme and within budget despite challenging conditions, maintaining a valuable access into the City which can really be appreciated when not available during the works.
I am not sure how people view the comment that the scheme has been a success.  From my perspective it has been badly planned and organised and the views of Whittlesey residents have largely been ignored.  Having been to see the new bridge on Friday I also have concerns about the impact the widening will have on the speed of traffic approaching the river from the Peterborough end, which I will follow up.  But, nonetheless it is great news that the access is to be reopened.


  1. About time, should have taken them less than a month to complete in my opinion !

  2. 1. The work should have been completed in the summer during the school holidays with sufficient workforce to complete the work.
    2. The Planners who sited the new roundabout near park farm should be made to travel through it in the rush hour for the rest of their lives - perhaps then they will realise why it has been built in the wrong place. And it is incorrectly marked on the approach from Peterborough (both lanes marked for straight on). Milk and Water drove should have been realigned or the roundabout sited across the cut to alleviate traffic turning right blocking the through route and causing tailbacks to the Fenman.
    3. Where is the bridge over Kings dyke railway crossing that was promised in 1972 and has been an ongoing nightmare ever since
    4. What idiot agreed to Magna Park - they have admitted an increase of 4+ trains a day each way into the site - with the gates being closed for a further 32 minutes if current signalling restrictions apply (2mins/train) We are also now led to believe there will be a second roundabout on the entrance to it.....!!!

  3. Are you sure? - have we got it in writing? is it not the same contractor who is doing Cathedral Square - according to the signs up at the Bridge - or have they sub contracted it out to Bob the Builder....

  4. In response to the last comment. Yes, I am sure. I was sent a copy of the statement last night.
