Wednesday 6 April 2011

Bassenhally Farm application approved

The outline planning application for Bassenhally Farm was at planning committee today and was approved.

I spoke against the application and raised a number of highways issues, in particular that an access onto Drybread Road would worsen what is already an unacceptable situation outside the school at opening and closing team.

I also made a strong case that we already know and have hard evidence of what happens when the A605 has more cars along it, and that this evidence on the ground should be considered as much as the data.

But the Highways advice that there would be no implications won the day. I have asked for some evidence about those highways considerations, but the decision today means that the principle of development on that site is agreed, and therefore the only consideration is the detail that will come with a reserved matters application. But it looks like it will be impossible to prevent the development taking place.


  1. Absolute joke. No surprise that the issues this development would cause were ignored.

  2. It was one of those days for many of us.

  3. Can't believe this has been approved. It's not only the highways that are an issue, it's the ammenities like doctors, school etc. What about these? Is there nothing that can be done to reverse this?

  4. I would love to say there is - and I am examining a few things. But the only way I think this could be stopped is through a challenge in the High Court.

  5. I agree that Whittlesey's schools, surgeries, roads and car parks can not take this overload. The locals are fighting for school places and doctor appointments are rare is you want a routine appointment. If you want to visit the very few interesting shops or your bank, you have to fight for a parking space too. Don't get me wrong, I accept that housing is needed, but not at this cost. Additionally, a question. Is this housing going to include social housing for families or are they private dwellings?

  6. There will, almost certainly be Social housing as part of the scheme. The detail of this will be worked out as part of the detailed planning application (called "reserved matters").
